Air Conditioning Repair versus Replacement: What Factors You Need to Consider

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Making Your Home More Interesting

After I started redecorating my home, I realized that I needed to do something to make the space more interesting and fun. I had always focused on adding details that would blend in with the natural elements of the home, but I realized that they were making my place look boring and dated. To resolve the problem, I started shopping around for unique home decor items and thinking about renovating entire rooms of my house. After making these changes, the results were fantastic. My place took on a whole new life, and it was awesome to see. This blog is for anyone out there who struggles with a boring, dated home.

Air Conditioning Repair versus Replacement: What Factors You Need to Consider

26 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If your air conditioning unit is in need of a repair, you may find yourself wondering whether you should spend the money to repair the unit or simply replace it. Unfortunately, the answer is not always clear cut. There are many different factors you need to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace. Here are some of the factors you should consider if your air conditioning unit needs a repair and you aren't sure if it is worth it.

The Age of the Unit

If your air conditioning unit needs a repair, consider the age of the unit before you shell out any money. The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit is about 14 years and Energy Star recommends homeowners upgrade their systems if the unit is 10 years or older simply because newer units are much more energy efficient. You don't want to spend thousands of dollars fixing a 13-year-old air conditioning unit, as it is nearing the end of its lifespan and it's not efficient.

However, sometimes you may find yourself in a predicament in which your unit isn't that old and you aren't sure if it is worth it to repair it. In this instance, you may want to try the 5,000 rule. Take the cost of the repair and multiply it by the number of years old your air conditioning unit is. If it exceeds 5,000, the repair usually isn't worth making. If it falls under 5,000, the repair should probably be done.

Whether You Have a Failed Compressor or Cracked Heat Exchanger

Another factor to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace your air conditioning unit is what exactly is wrong with the unit. Many repairs are relatively minor, and when the problem is fixed, you don't have to worry about problems with that component. However, if you are experiencing a failed compressor or cracked heat exchanger, and your air conditioning unit is no longer under warranty, you probably want to replace your unit. These are both expensive repairs to make, and unfortunately, when they start to go out, other components are likely to fail or leak, too. Unless your unit is under warranty, it is typically never a good idea to have either of these parts repaired.

How Often Your Unit Breaks Down

When deciding whether to repair or replace an air conditioning unit, you need to factor in how often your current air conditioner breaks down. If the repair bills are small, you may not think much of simply making the repairs. However, a bit here and a bit there begins to add up. And if your unit is breaking down continually, it is telling you it can't take the strain of repeated use. Many new air conditioning units come with warranties of up to ten years. While you are making an investment in a new unit, you won't have to worry about a unit constantly breaking down or spending money on repair after repair.

How Long You Plan to Stay in Your Home

The last thing you need to take into account when deciding whether to repair or replace an air conditioner is how long you plan on staying in your home. If you plan on staying in your home and money is currently tight, repairing the air conditioning unit may buy you time to save up for a new appliance. However, if you plan on selling your home,and your air conditioning unit is older and repair-prone, a home inspector may point this out to potential buyers. This may deter some buyers or cause others to reduce their offer. In this cases, it may make sense to just buy a new air conditioning unit and list it as a selling point for the home.

There are many factors that come into play when deciding whether to repair or replace an air conditioning unit. Get estimates from multiple air conditioning repair and replacement companies for both repair and replacement costs. This will allow you to determine just how much the repair costs versus a replacement. Then, ask each company what their opinion is and why. While the final decision is in your hand, an air conditioning repair and replacement company can help guide you toward the decision that makes the most sense based on the age of the unit, what is wrong with the unit, how frequently your unit breaks down, how long you plan on staying in your home, and your budget. Contact a service like A Bailey Plumbing to get started.