Should You Replace or Repair Your Furnace?

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Making Your Home More Interesting

After I started redecorating my home, I realized that I needed to do something to make the space more interesting and fun. I had always focused on adding details that would blend in with the natural elements of the home, but I realized that they were making my place look boring and dated. To resolve the problem, I started shopping around for unique home decor items and thinking about renovating entire rooms of my house. After making these changes, the results were fantastic. My place took on a whole new life, and it was awesome to see. This blog is for anyone out there who struggles with a boring, dated home.

Should You Replace or Repair Your Furnace?

22 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you're faced with unreliable heating, high repair bills, or higher-than-normal energy costs, then you're probably wondering if you should replace your current furnace or invest a little more time and money into keeping your old furnace going. The following offers some helpful pointers that show you when to hold on to your current furnace and when you're better off cutting your losses.

When to Consider Making Repairs

If you have a furnace that's less than 10 years old, then you're probably better off making the necessary repairs to keep it going. In most cases, the repair costs for a relatively new furnace are still cheaper than those for a much older furnace. Also, any major repairs that need to be made can usually be covered under your furnace manufacturer's warranty. If you have an existing service agreement with your HVAC technician that covers your current furnace, then you may find it cheaper to use that instead of purchasing a brand-new furnace.

Also keep in mind that some issues require only a simple fix instead of a major repair or replacement. For instance, a clogged air filter, a faulty heating element, or a burner speckled with soot and debris can cause a number of performance issues in a typical furnace. Practicing preventative maintenance can help you take care of these problems while keeping other, more serious problems at bay.

When to Consider Replacing Your Furnace

In some cases, you may not have much choice but to purchase a brand-new furnace, especially if the following ring true:

  • Your furnace has reached the end of its life. Most furnaces offer a typical lifespan of approximately 15 years. An exceptionally well-kept furnace can last for 20 or even 30 years. If your furnace has reached the 15-year mark, then it has likely reached the end of its viable life cycle and it should be replaced.
  • Your furnace uses more energy every year. It's not out of the ordinary for furnaces to become energy hogs as they age. If you find your furnace using more and more energy with each passing year, then you may want to consider ditching it for a newer and more energy-efficient model.
  • Fixing your furnace costs more than buying a new one. if the cost of preparing your current furnace ends up being more than the average purchase price of a brand-new furnace, then it's time to cut your losses and plan for a new furnace installation.
  • Your current furnace simply can't keep up. If you find that your furnace can't keep up with your home's current heating needs, then it may be time to replace your furnace with one that can better address your home's heating demands.

If you run a frugal household or you simply don't like to be exposed to sticker shock, then the prospect of ponying up for new furnace could be a bit disconcerting. After all, the average cost to replace a typical gas furnace can range from $400 for the cheapest available unit to $12,000 for a top-of-the-line, high-efficiency furnace with all the latest features.

A Second Opinion Can Come in Handy

Before you make your final decision on whether to replace or repair your current furnace, you may want to hear what your HVAC technician has to say on the matter. Having a trained and certified HVAC technician from a company like HomeSmart From Xcel Energy perform a thorough inspection on your current furnace can help you determine whether you really need a furnace replacement or if repairs are in order. You can also find out if you need to make other changes to improve your home's overall comfort and energy efficiency.